Table of Contents


The table below outlines the most important terms used in Logtrade Connect.

Term Description
Logtrade The cloud service/hub that provides communication with carriers, label printing etc.
Logtrade Connect The app in Business Central that provides functionality for managing transports and communicates with Logtrade.
Consignment A document in Business Central describing a transport. A consignment can be linked to a sales order, pick document etc. and has information about addresses, packages, carrier etc.
Consignment package line A line in a consignment that links one or many packages to the consignment. A consignment package line contains information about type of goods, weight, volume etc.
Package Represents a physical package and has information about package type, weight, volume etc. A package can be created automatically when entering data on a consignment package line or manually. A package can be linked to a consignment package line or not.
Carrier The party responsible for delivering the physical goods to the delivery address.
Carrier product The type of service that the carrier provides, e.g. pallet, express, groupage etc.
Service Additional services provided by Logtrade or the carrier such as notifications, cold/heat, dangerous goods etc.
Consolidation Multiple consignments to the same delivery address can be automatically consolidated by Logtrade.
Customs Invoice When exporting goods to a country which requires customs invoice, Logtrade Connect can automatically create the necessary data and have Logtrade to print a customs invoice and send customs invoice data electronically to the carrier.
Split consignment Individual consignments can be group together in a split consignment. Typically are packages, destined to different delivery addresses, put on one single pallet and used in a split consignment to be transported to a split point. This scenario is common in combination with customs invoice, since the customs invoice are printed for the split consignment instead of each contained consignment.
Split point A physical address (often in a foreign country) to which a split consignment is sent and split into each individual contained consignment to be forwarded to each individual delivery address.
Validate A consignment can be validated by Logtrade to ensure that addresses, carrier, carrier product etc are valid. The consignment is not stored in Logtrade when validation. Logtrade Connect validation of sales order by creating a temporary consignment and have that sent to Logtrade for validation.
Prepare A consignment can be prepared by Logtrade. A validation is performed and the consignment is saved in Logtrade. The default for Logtrade behavior is to print labels and documents when preparing
Release A prepared consignment shall be released, at latest, when the carrier picks up the goods. Consignments can be released scheduled by Logtrade, scheduled by Logtrade Connect, manually for an individual or, most commonly, by using the consignment journal.
Print queue Print queues are defined in Logtrade and downloaded to Logtrade Connect and used on consignments to direct printing to the correct printer. Each consignment holds information about the print queue the labels and documents for the consignment shall be printed on.
Integrated printer A software installed locally that listens on print queues and prints labels and documents on printers. Logtrade Connect does not print labels and documents for consignments directly. Layouts for labels are defined in Logtrade which also does the actual printing.
Terms of delivery The terms of delivery regulates transport charges, customs fees and the responsibility between the sender of the goods, buyer of the goods and the carrier or carriers during the transport. Terms of delivery can be linked to Shipment terms i Business Central.