Supported Carriers

This document describes which carriers that are supported for different continents, regions and countries. In the table below each carrier has a “From Region/Country” which means that the carrier can be used when shipping goods from that region or country. The destination can be anywhere in the world that is supported by the carrier for different carrier services. A carrier mentioned as a European carrier does not necessarily have any business in all European countries even if “From Region/Country” says Any. For example: To see all carriers supported in Sweden you should look under Worldwide and regions any, Nordics and Sweden under continent Europe. The LogTrade Generic Carrier can be used from anywhere in the world and documents supported are waybill and labels in English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish. Customs invoices are always in English and Dangerous Goods documents in English, Swedish or Norwegian.

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Installation Guide: Integrated Printing

To enable high speed automated printing of package labels, waybills and other documents LogTrade Technology has developed a printing software called LogTrade Integrated Printing, running as a Windows service.